Oct 30, 2020
Sally Lisle was the guide on the Snowdon trip I went on recently. She skillfully led us off the beaten track and to the summit and dealt with my fear of heights with ease. She has obviously had lots of experience of facing fear as a climber and mountaineer.
Sally found her love of the outdoors at 9 years old when a...
Oct 23, 2020
This new normal is not normal is it? It doesn't matter what we tell ourselves, everything is shifting and changing around us and that can create a sense of worry, of stress and anxiety.
I recorded this session back at the very start of lockdown but it still feels very relevant right now. We need tools to help us...
Oct 16, 2020
Do you feel tired all of the time?
Do you want to know how to get more energy?
Listen to this episode to find out just how powerful the practice of relaxation is. I share 2 quick and simple techniques to help you drop into a calmer, more relaxed state in under 10 mins.
Because these tools are so simple they are often...
Oct 9, 2020
In this episode of the podcast I have invited my 10 year old twin daughters to tell me about their favourite tools for staying calm and relaxed.
We know ourselves how useful it is to be able to manage the stress response.
I believe that one of the most useful skills we can share with our children is how they can...
Oct 2, 2020
You might remember me talking to the lovely Jo back on episode 9 about the work that she does with sound therapy. Jo and I have collaborated on events in the past where she has played the harp and the crystal healing bowls to guide us into a deep relaxation and sound meditation.
Today Jo is talking to us about the work...